
MAEA Awards

MAEA feels that it is important to honor those who have shown dedication to our beliefs to promote, preserve and perpetuate art education in the state of Missouri.  Award nomination packets are due by November 1st, so please nominate at least one month prior to that to ensure that nominees have enough time to complete the packet requirements. For nomination forms and awards packets, please see the links at the bottom of the page. 

Past Award Winners

Division Awards: 

Nominations are due by October 10th. Awards packets are due November 1st.

Division award nominees must spend at least 51% of their work day in the job division for which they have been nominated. For example, educators who work primarily as administrators or supervisors are not eligible to receive elementary division awards, even if that is the level administered or supervised. This member should be registered in the Supervision/Administration Division.

The Missouri Art Educator of the Year will be selected from the slate of nominations for all other awards. This award winner will be forwarded on to NAEA for  recognition as the state winner.

Specialty Awards:

Nominations are due by October 10th.

For the Nominator:

For the Nominee: 

2024 Award Winners

2023 Award Winners

2022 Award Winners

Heart for Art Awards

Missouri Art Educator of the Year

Ron Jennings

Elementary Art Educator of the Year

Alexandra Burnside

Middle School/Jr. High Art Educator of the Year

Abby Birhanu

Secondary Art Educator of the Year

Cheryl Church

K-12 Art Educator of the Year

Taylor Hopkins

Retired Art Educator of the Year

Rick Peterson

Otto Bean Jr. Art Advocacy Award

Senator Barbara Washington

Exemplary Service Award 

Carl Polster