Senate Student Fine Arts Exhibit

Accepting works for the 2025 Exhibit NOW!

Click HERE to submit

Submission deadline Jan. 15, 2025 

For more details, questions, help and Q&A see below

2024 printable Senate Arts Exhibition Flyer_2 (1) copy 2.pdf

Senate Student Arts Exhibition Prospectus 

Download a copy of the Senate Student Arts Exhibit Prospectus by clicking on the document.

About the Exhibit:

Established in 2014, a joint effort between the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education, the Missouri Art Education Association, and sponsored by Senator David Pearce, the Senate Hall Art Exhibit showcases fine arts programs in all 34 state senate districts.  The exhibit is located on the grounds of the Capitol in the hallway that leads from senate parking to the Capitol ground floor entrance. 

How it Works:

K-12 teachers from any arts discipline take high-quality photos of a work or performance. Images are submitted to us, organized by senate district, and sent to the appropriate senator. They view work from their district and select one image to represent them. The chosen images are printed on 12"x16" paper and displayed in frames throughout the year at the Missouri Capitol to advocate legislator support for the arts.   


Submitting Work:

Important Image Information:

*The file size of submitted images must be 1.5MB or larger. Make sure your images can be increased in size to 12" x16" without becoming blurred.

*Change your camera settings so you are taking high quality images. This way your file size will be large enough. File size cannot be enlarged after photo is taken. Most smartphones take large enough images.

*Images must be renamed before upload as:



2021 FAQ Sheet

Q: How do I take a high-quality photo?

A: Click Here


Q: In what State Senate District is my school?

A: Use your school address and Click Here


Q: How do you know whose artwork is chosen?

A: If your image is selected, we will contact the teacher for additional information, like the name and age of the student. 


Q: Will we ever need to submit the student's original work?

A: No. MAEA will print the image that you digitally submitted on 12"x16" paper and display the printed copy. Students can take home their original or submit it in another contest!


Q: Do my images need to be a certain size or format, like JPEG?

A: Yes and No. Yes, the FILE size has to be 1.5MB or larger, so that we can print it 12"x16" paper and it not be blurry. No, it does not have to be any certain format: TIF, JPEG, PDF, are all fine.


Q: Why do I need to correctly rename my photo?

A: Information submitted on the form are stored on an excel sheet separate from the dropbox of images. Correct image labels help us present it to the correct legislator, then contact teachers if their image is selected.


Q: How do I rename an image?

A: Option 1: Right click the file, then select "Rename". Option 2: open the file. Click "file" on your menu bar, then select "Rename".


Q: Why must submitted images be 1.5MB or larger?

A: If your image is selected, we print the submitted image on 12"x16" paper. If the file size is not large enough the print will be blurry.

Other Questions?

Email Vicki Bean at